Elevate Your Dangerous Goods Supply Chain with Expert Guidance
Spark confidence and safety in your operations today
Contact us to learn how we can transform your DG supply chain
Dangerous Goods (DG) & Hazardous Chemicals Consultants
Managing DG and hazardous chemicals require in-depth technical knowledge and hands on experience to ensure that the hazards are managed in a safe, responsible manner.
ChemPro Consulting International Pte Ltd bases in Singapore and serves our clients in the Asia Pacific Region.
Our dangerous goods consultants possess the relevant industry experience and in-depth knowledge to assist clients with practical and realistic solutions. We believe in making that difference.

International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Course (Amendment 42-24)
ChemPro Consulting conducts Face to face (classroom) and Virtual (fully facilitated) IMDG Code Course.
ChemPro Consulting International is a MPA (Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, the agency representing Singapore in IMO) accredited IMDG training provider for shore based personnel.

Due to request from our overseas participants, ChemPro Consulting also conduct virtual (fully facilitated) IMDG Code Course.
Our quality IMDG Code training now available online for overseas participants.
Click "Learn More" for details and schedules.

Virtual Customized In-House Courses
Due to ever changing training landscape, ChemPro Consulting contextualize and tailor-make virtual courses to suit our client's industry and expectations.
We have conducted numerous courses specific to our clients needs. For example, customized IMDG Code course, transportation of DG by land, ship planners dealing with explosive and oxidizing cargoes, chemical isotanks, etc. We have a wide range of knowledge and experience to address the safe handling, storage and transportation of DGs.
Contact us at admin@chemproconsulting.com for an obligation free discussion.